What Small Business Owners Get Wrong About SEO

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Small business owners have lots of ideas about search engine optimization (SEO). 

Since it has become such a big part of online marketing and lead generation, the majority have at least some familiarity with the art and science of improving your visibility on Google. It makes sense that they would, given that there are literally billions of dollars on the line.

However, in meeting with new clients over the years, we have found that some of the notions that small business owners hold about SEO are either outdated or flat-out incorrect. That’s perfectly reasonable. They expect us to be internet marketing experts, so they don’t have to. However, holding onto the wrong ideas can actually set you back and make it harder to grow your sales.

With that in mind, let’s look at a few things small business owners tend to get wrong about search engine optimization…

Lots of Small Business Owners Think SEO is About Gimmicks

There was a time when you could essentially game the system and earn a top search engine ranking by stuffing keywords onto your pages, buying inbound links, and taking advantage of other shortcuts. However, those days are long gone.

As we move halfway into 2022, your focus should be on sustainable, organic SEO strategies that help bring a consistent flow of targeted visitors to your website month after month. The gimmicks don’t work and could even get you blacklisted. It’s much easier – and more profitable – to commit yourself to a plan that works consistently over time.

Business Owners Tend to Under- or Over-estimate SEO Timing

We sometimes meet with business owners who think they should see results after a search engine optimization plan is put into action within a few days. Others come to us with the belief that it will be years before SEO can help them generate leads, sales, or retail visits.

Neither idea is spot on. In some competitive markets it can take a few months, or even longer, to overtake your competitors. However, by using smart and efficient strategies (focused keyword research, local search engine optimization, etc.) the average business can see improvement in a few weeks. Assuming you hire the right creative team, they can get you results in a relatively short period of time without resorting to gimmicks.

Most Business Owners Don’t Really Appreciate the Value of Strong SEO

Probably the biggest misconception about search engine optimization is that it’s just another marketing strategy. When you get it right, it’s an absolute game changer.

Imagine having hundreds of potential customers or clients come to your website every week at the exact moment they were thinking about what you have to offer. Now imagine they could see your products, services, and content before they ever come into contact with any of your competitors. What could that do for your bottom line?

SEO is worth the time and effort because it can literally transform your company. If you want to make selling easier, and revenue more consistent, then tapping into Google’s never-ending supply of sales opportunities should be one of your top priorities.

Want to Put Together an Online Marketing Strategy That Works?

Whether you manage a huge organization or a tiny startup, you’ll want to make the most of your website, not to mention search engines, social media, and other tools like email newsletters. That’s where our team of experienced business growth experts comes in. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation so we can put together a customized strategy for your company!